The construction science program at Texas A&M University prepares students to become industry leaders. You’ll learn to construct high-quality facilities and build relationships that will last. As an undergraduate, you’ll gain access to industry professionals and real experience while you earn your degree. You’ll develop skills you can apply to create, renovate, and expand the built environment.
Our STEM-coded undergraduate degree combines aspects of business, project planning and construction management. Our interdisciplinary approach brings people, products, and processes together to solve concrete problems.
We have the largest construction science program in the country with about 1,000 students in our undergraduate program. We treat our students like family and have a very strong former student network.
Our four-year program is accredited by the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE) and prepares students to enter the construction industry.
Sectors of the industry
Heavy Civil
Construction science graduates quickly become valued members of construction teams. Graduates become project engineers, site superintendents, estimators, and project managers. Industry feedback consistently indicates that our graduates are well prepared to face today’s industry challenges.
Starting Salary
Hiring Bonus
FAQs about the construction industry
What kind of jobs can I get with a construction science degree?
Students graduating from our program become project managers, estimators, schedulers, superintendents, and project engineers.
What sectors of the construction industry does this program prepare you for?
Students graduating from our program are equipped with the basic skills/knowledge to succeed in all sectors of the construction industry, including:
Heavy Civil
International Construction
Federal Construction
Facility management
Law Practice
What graduate degrees could I pursue after getting my bachelor’s degree?
A number of our graduates pursue advanced degrees in construction management, law, real estate development, business, finance, or architecture.
What’s the difference between construction and engineering?
On a construction project, an engineer would be able to stamp drawings or have the liability that goes along with the theory behind a system, process or building plans. Our construction science graduates are often onsite, working with the people, products and processes to bring a project to life.
The construction science program’s interdisciplinary curriculum prepares students to become industry leaders. We prepare our students to make an impact on people and places by turning ideas into reality. Students learn to build complete, high-quality facilities in a timely and safe manner.
Degree Plan 2022–2023
All students are placed on the current catalog when they enter the Department of Construction Science. Students must complete all of the requirements for their specific catalog.
Year 1
32 credit hours
Fall Semester – 16 credit hours
COSC 153
Intro to the Construction Industry
3 credit hours
Characteristics of the construction industry; types of construction companies; contracts; people involved in a project, their responsibilities and interrelationships; evolution of a project; interpreting working drawings; construction bonds; contract documents.
COSC 184
Construction Safety
1 credit hour
Administration and application of the OSHA Act in the construction industry; includes standards, the general duty clause, competent person, and hazard identification; fulfills the requirements for the ten-hour OSHA certifications.
COSC 222
Social Issues in the History of the Construction Environment
3 credit hours
Introduction to cultural and social issues in the built environment; exploration of how individual and collective ideas, values and beliefs are expressed in the construction environment; how the field of construction internalizes and thinks about these values across cultures and how authority, majorities and privilege affect the creativity of the built environment; emphasizes civil discourse to help recognize positionality and work collaboratively in a multicultural society.
ECON 202 or ECON 203
Principles of Economics
3 credit hours
Elementary principles of economics; the economic problem and the price system; theory of demand, theory of production and the firm, theory of supply; the interaction of demand and supply OR Measurement and determination of national income, employment and price; introduction to monetary and fiscal policy analysis; the effects of government deficits and debt, exchange rates and trade balances.
HIST 105
American History
3 credit hours
Colonial heritage; Revolution; adoption of Constitution; growth of nationalism and sectionalism; Civil War; Reconstruction; also taught at Galveston and Qatar campuses.
MATH 140
Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences
3 credit hours
Application of common algebraic functions, including polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and rational, to problems in business, economics and the social sciences; includes mathematics of finance, including simple and compound interest and annuities; systems of linear equations; matrices; linear programming; and probability, including expected value.
Spring Semester – 16 credit hours
ACCT 209
Survey of Accounting Principles
3 credit hours
Accounting survey for non-business majors; non-technical accounting procedures, preparation and interpretation of financial statements and internal control. May not be used to satisfy degree requirements for majors in business. Business majors who choose to take this course must do so on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.
COSC 175
Construction Graphics Communication
3 credit hours
Visualization, interpretation and communication of graphical geometry in construction design and engineering; graphical analysis of problems; sketching applications, computer aided design and fundamentals of information modeling software; introduction to common quantitative tools in construction.
COSC 284
Intro to Applied Workplace Ethics, Etiquette, and Communication
1 credit hour
Professional ethics, etiquette and communication for employment preparation with a construction or construction related company; various case studies emphasizing personal accountability, integrity and codes of conduct; etiquette and communication of all forms will be presented, applied and discussed in reflective writing assignments in order to prepare to meet the professional expectations of employers upon graduation.
ENGL 104
Composition and Rhetoric
3 credit hours
Focus on referential and persuasive researched essays through the development of analytical reading ability, critical thinking and library research skills.
HIST 106 or HIST 226
American History or Texas History
3 credit hours
Since reconstruction; new social and industrial problems; rise of progressivism; U.S. emergence as a world power; World War I; reaction and New Deal; World War II; contemporary America OR History of Texas from Spanish period to present day. Stress placed upon period of Anglo-American settlement, revolution, republic and development of modern state
MATH 142
Business Calculus
3 credit hours
Limits and continuity; techniques and applications of derivatives including curve sketching and optimization; techniques and applications of integrals; emphasis on applications in business, economics, and social sciences.
Year 2
30 credit hours
Fall Semester – 14 credit hours
COSC 253
Construction Materials and Methods I
3 credit hours
Materials, methods and sequences of the construction process; emphasis on design, specification, purchase and use of concrete, masonry and wood.
ENGL 210
Technical and Business Writing
3 credit hours
Focus on writing for professional rhetorical situations; correspondence and researched reports fundamental to the workplace—memoranda, letters, electronic correspondence, research proposals and presentations; use of visual rhetoric and document design in print and electronic mediums; emphasis on audience awareness, clarity of communication and collaborative team-work; also taught at Galveston and Qatar campuses.
PHYS 201
College Physics
4 credit hours
Fundamentals of classical mechanics, heat, and sound. Primarily for architecture, education, premedical, predental, and preveterinary medical students; also taught at Galveston campus.
POLS 206
American National Government
3 credit hours
American National Government. Survey of American national government, politics, and constitutional development; also taught at Galveston and Qatar campuses.
Life and Physical Sciences Elective*
1 credit hour
Select from University Core curriculum – Life and Physical courses (minimum 1 credit hour; e.g. KINE 120).
Spring Semester – 16 credit hours
COSC 275
Estimating 1
3 credit hours
Systems approach to determining required quantities of construction materials; quantification of various types of foundation systems, structural systems and building envelope systems; excerpts of contract documents from a variety of different building projects.
MGMT 209
Business, Government, and Society***
3 credit hours
Foundational information about the U.S. legal system and dispute resolution, and their impact on business; includes general principles of law, the relationship of business and the U.S. Constitution, state and federal legal systems, the relationship between law and ethics, contracts, sales, torts, agency law, intellectual property and business law in the global context. May not be used to satisfy degree requirements for majors in business. The prerequisite to the courses are U2 classification or higher.
POLS 207
Government / Political Science
3 credit hours
State and Local Government. Survey of state and local government and politics with special reference to the constitution and politics of Texas; also taught at Galveston and Qatar campuses.
CHEM 119 or GEOL 101 & GEOL 102
Fundamentals of Chemistry 1 OR Principles of Geology & Principles of Geology Lab
4 credit hours
Select one of the listed courses. For more information, refer to the course catalog.
General Elective
3 credit hours
Year 3
30 credit hours
Fall Semester – 15 credit hours
COSC 301
Construction Surveying
3 credit hours
Practical applications of surveying to the practice of construction project management; distance, grade and angular measurement; surveying equipment and its application to construction layout and control; surveying documentation and field work; introduction to other three dimensional measurement and positioning systems.
COSC 325
Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems in Construction I
3 credit hours
Design, operation, materials and installation methods of mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems in construction.
COSC 353
Construction Project Management
3 credit hours
covering concepts of project selection, estimating bidding, scheduling, subcontracting practices, cost controls, project documentation, construction bonds, insurance, payments and the elements of close out; development of professional communication skills through prepared multi-media presentations.
COSC 375
Estimating II
3 credit hours
Quantification and pricing of direct field costs and general condition costs from construction documents; the preparation of complete lump sum bid package ready for project execution; complete set of contract documents required.
COSC Directed Elective I
3 credit hours
Select from COSC 464, COSC 468, and COSC 489.
Spring Semester – 15 credit hours
COSC 321
3 credit hours
Introduction to the physical principles that govern classical statics and strengths of materials through the design of architectural structures.
COSC 463
Construction Law and Ethics
3 credit hours
Introduction to basic contract and tort issues and their application in the construction industry; delineation of the various types of contracts and remedies available to parties involved in a construction project; additional related topics including bidding, delays, mechanics liens, site conditions, warranties and the Uniform Commercial Code as it relates to the construction industry, introduction to legal research and reasoning as used by professional constructors.
COSC 475
Construction Project Planning
3 credit hours
Development of parameter cost estimates for activities that relate to the construction of a building project; work packages sequenced, planned and leveled to develop a working project execution document; development of procedures to monitor actual field progress.
Architecture Elective
3 credit hours
Select one of the following: ARCH 249, ARCH 250, ARCH 350, ARTS 150, or ENDS 101.
COSC Directed Elective II
3 credit hours
Select one of the following: COSC 303, COSC 450, or COSC 459.
Year 4
28 credit hours
Fall Semester – 13 credit hours
COSC 494
7 credit hours
An internship (15 weeks, 600 hours) with a construction or construction-related company that exposes the student to construction-related activities, daily logs, monthly reports, final report and completion letter required; distance education course with non-resident status. No other TAMU courses may be taken while enrolled in COSC 494. Internship must be fall or spring semester.
MGMT 309
Survey Management
3 credit hours
Survey for non-business majors of the basic functions and responsibilities of managers; includes the environmental context of management, planning and decision making, organization structure and design, leading and managing people, and the controlling process; issues of globalization, ethics, quality and diversity integrated throughout the course. May not be used to satisfy degree requirements for majors in business.
FINC 409
Survey of Finance Principles*******
3 credit hours
Finance survey for non-business majors; financial markets, the investment banking process, interest rates, financial intermediaries and the banking system, financial instruments, time value of money concepts, security valuation and selection, and international finance. May not be used to satisfy degree requirements for majors in business or agribusiness. 300 – 400 level business courses MUST be taken at Texas A&M. A student does not need to be in upper level to take these courses. The prerequisite to these courses is U3 or U4 classification.
Spring Semester – 15 credit hours
COSC 465
Advanced Topics in Construction Law
3 credit hours
Legal issues affecting construction, including the parties to construction work, contracting, responsibilities and risk, risk management, damages, handling of claims and disputes, indemnification, bonds, insurance, bankruptcy, labor and employment, and subcontract management; litigation and alternative dispute resolution methods regularly used in the construction industry.
COSC 477
Construction Project Controls
3 credit hours
Introduction to construction related financial documents including schedule of values, labor and operations cost reports, income statements, balance sheets and construction budgets; emphasis on the development of techniques required to effectively monitor the financial aspects of a construction project.
COSC Capstone
3 credit hours
Select from COSC 440 – Interdisciplinary Capstone, COSC – 441 Residential Capstone, COSC 442 – Commercial Capstone, COSC 443 – Industrial Capstone (spring semester only), COSC 446 – Specialty Capstone. Capstone MUST be taken last semester. A student’s capstone preference is NOT guaranteed.
COSC Directed Elective III
3 credit hours
Select from COSC 326, 421, 461, or COSC 489.
COSC Directed Elective IV
3 credit hours
Select from COSC 326, COSC 421, COSC 450, COSC 459, COSC 461, COSC 464, COSC 468, or COSC 489.
* Subject to change
A grade of C or better is required in all School of Architecture courses (ARCH, ARTS, CARC, COSC, ENDS, LAND, URPN, and VIST) to satisfy Construction Science degree requirements.
COSC 153
Introduction to the Construction Industry
COSC 175/AREN 175
Construction Graphics Communication
Preparing for the Construction Science Program
Our program consists of an equal distribution of first-time-in-college freshmen, changed major and transfer students. Talk with an academic advisor to find out how you can best prepare for our program depending on your situation.
FAQ about preparing for the program
How much does it cost to attend?
The cost to attend varies depending on a variety of factors, including semester of admission, student type, how many hours you take per semester, and rate type. Additional costs to consider include course materials, housing, meal plans, parking, and fees.
For a better understanding of your total cost of attendance, please visit the Texas A&M University cost and tuition rates webpage. This webpage will provide you with an opportunity to review estimated cost of attendance information for undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as other resources such as the tuition calculator and billing and fee explanations.
Can I transfer into this program?
Yes! About two-thirds of our students are transfer students or students who changed their major.
What financial aid and scholarships are available to students?
Numerous scholarships and financial aid are available through Texas A&M University, the College of Architecture, and the Department of Construction Science. Incoming freshmen applicants are considered for university scholarships through the ApplyTexas Application or the Coalition Application. Continuing students can apply for additional scholarships through the University Scholarship Application for Continuing Students. For more information about university scholarships, visit
Same Program, Different City
Students can complete their undergraduate degree at the Higher Education Center in McAllen, Texas. Students in McAllen will follow the same curriculum and requirements as students in College Station. Through this satellite location, we are expanding our impact in south Texas.
Construction science students gain valuable, transformative work experience through our program. All our students must complete an industry internship in the sector of their choice. We partner with the Construction Industry Advisory Council to stay current and meet industry needs.
Some students choose to complete their internship internationally during the full semester through study abroad. During the spring study abroad program, students are able to participate in the Constructionarium experience, a one-of-a-kind program where student groups plan, schedule, budget, manage and construct a scaled-down version of iconic buildings, bridges, dams and civil engineering projects from all over the world.