Fellows are distinguished individuals whose work in the field of health systems and design merits professional recognition.  

To become a fellow, please express your interest to CHSD leadership, who will extend an invitation when appropriate. To accept, you will need to provide your C.V. for the Dean to approve the official appointment.

Individuals must remain active in the CHSD to retain fellow status. Every three years they must be re-appointed at the discretion of the center’s director, after a review of the contributions and activities of the fellow and input by the center council.

Faculty Fellows

Texas A&M University faculty whose research aligns with the interest of CHSD can become faculty fellows. We have the broadest and largest representation of faculty fellows of any organization on campus, including faculty fellows from every college and major discipline at Texas A&M.

Meet our Faculty Fellows

College of Agriculture & Life Sciences 

Courtney Suess-Raeisinafchicsuess@tamu.eduRecreation, Parks & Tourism Science

College of Architecture

Ahmed K. Aliahali@tamu.eduArchitecture
Liliana Beltranlbeltran@arch.tamu.eduArchitecture
Mark Claytonmark-clayton@tamu.eduArchitecture
Rodney Hillrhill@arch.tamu.eduArchitecture
Ray Pentecostrpentecost@tamu.eduArchitecture
Kirk Hamiltonkhamilton@tamu.eduArchitecture
Zhipeng Luzlu@arch.tamu.eduArchitecture
Gregory Luhangregory.luhan@tamu.eduArchitecture
George Manngmann@arch.tamu.eduArchitecture
Michael O’Brienmjobrien@tamu.eduArchitecture
James Tatejtate@tamu.eduArchitecture
Xuemei Zhuxuemeizhu@tamu.eduArchitecture
John Bryantjbryant@arch.tamu.eduConstruction Science
Sarel Lavyslavy@arch.tamu.eduConstruction Science
 Zofia Rybkowskizrybkowski@tamu.eduConstruction Science
Charles Culpcculp@tamu.eduEnergy Systems Lab
Geoffrey Boothgbooth@arch.tamu.eduInstitute for Applied Creativity
Robert Brownrbrown@arch.tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Bruce Dvorakbdvorak@tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Chang S. Huangcshuang@arch.tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Kenneth R. Hurstkhurst5775@tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Chanam Leechanam@tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Sungmin Leesungminlee@uconn.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Dongying Lidli@tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Wei Liwli@tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Forster Ndubisifndubisi@arch.tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Galen Newmangnewman@arch.tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Jane Winslowjfwinslow@arch.tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Xinyue Yexinyue.ye@tamu.eduLandscape Architecture & Urban Planning
Jinsil Seohwaryoung@tamu.eduVisualization
Luis Tassinaryltassinary@arch.tamu.eduVisualization

Bush School of Government & Public Service

Frank Ashleyfashley@tamu.eduN/A
Laura Daguedague@tamu.eduN/A
Leslie Ruyleruyle@tamu.eduN/A
Kenneth Anderson Taylorkataylor@tamu.eduN/A

College of Education & Human Development

Timothy Elliotttelliott@tamu.eduEducational Psychology
Rafael Lara-Alecioa-lara@tamu.eduEducational Psychology
John Buchananjjbuchanan@tamu.eduHealth & Kinesiology
Idethia Shevon Harveyjsharvey@tamu.eduHealth & Kinesiology
Richard Kreiderrbkreider@tamu.eduHealth & Kinesiology
David Wrightdavidwright@tamu.eduHealth & Kinesiology

College of Engineering

Thomas Keith Ferristferris@tamu.eduIndustrial Engineering
Farzan Sasangoharsasangohar@tamu.eduIndustrial Engineering
Maryam Zahabimzahabi@tamu.eduIndustrial Engineering

College of Geosciences

Anthony Knaptknap@tamu.eduGeochemical & Environmental Research Group
Courtney Thompsoncthompson24@tamu.eduGeography
Gunnar Schadegws@tamu.eduMeteorology

School of Innovation

John Manhirejmanhire@tamu.eduN/A
Robert Shandleyr-shandley@tamu.eduN/A

School of Law

Gabriel Ecksteingabrieleckstein@law.tamu.eduN/A
Timothy Mulvaneytmulvaney@law.tamu.eduN/A
Vanessa Casado Perezvcasado@law.tamu.eduN/A

College of Liberal Arts 

Allison Hopkinshopkins@tamu.eduAnthropology
Hart Blantonhblanton@tamu.eduCommunication
Leroy Dorseyl-dorsey@tamu.eduCommunication
Jennifer Lueckjlueck@tamu.eduCommunication
Richard Streetr-street@tamu.eduCommunication
Lu Tangltang@tamu.eduCommunication
Jason Lindo jlindo@tamu.eduEconomics
Norma Adame Arizpen-arizpe@tamu.eduHispanic Studies
Kristi Sweetk-sweet@tamu.eduPhilosophy & Humanities
Maria Escobar-Lemmonm_escobar@tamu.eduPolitical Science
Gerianne Alexandergalexander@tamu.eduPsychology
Sherecce Fieldssafields@tamu.eduPsychology
Joshua HicksJoshua.hicks@tamu.eduPsychology
Daniel Howarddhoward@ppri.tamu.eduPsychology
Vani Mathurvmathur@tamu.eduPsychology
Mary Meagherm-meagher@tamu.eduPsychology
Steven Smithstevesmith@tamu.eduPsychology
William McIntoshw-mcintosh@tamu.eduSociology

University Libraries

Catherine Peppercpepper@tamu.eduN/A
Margaret Fostermargaretfoster@tamu.eduN/A

Mays Business School

 Arvind Mahajanmahajan@tamu.eduFinance
James Abbeyjamesdabbey@tamu.eduInformation & Operations Management
 Jon Staufferjonstauffer@tamu.eduInformation & Operations Management

College of Medicine

Jose Florez-Arangojosefflo@tamu.eduHumanities in Medicine
Craig Borchardtrevrun@tamu.eduHumanities in Medicine
Gul Russellgarussell@tamu.eduHumanities in Medicine
Patricia Watsonpkwatsonmd@tamu.eduHumanities in Medicine

College of Nursing

Sharon Dormiredormire@tamhsc.eduN/A
Nancy Downingdowning@tamu.eduN/A
Jodie Garyjcgary@tamu.eduN/A
Carrie Johnsoncjohnson16@tamu.eduN/A
Nora Montalvo-Liendonliendo@tamu.eduN/A
Angela Mulcahymulcahy@tamu.eduN/A
Robin Pagerpage@tamu.eduN/A
Daniel Sheridandsheridan54@tamu.eduN/A

School of Pharmacy

Mansoor Kahn mkhan@tamu.eduN/A

School of Public Health

Marcia Orymory@tamu.eduCenter on Population Health & Aging
Mark Bendenmthowdy@tamu.eduEnvironmental & Occupational Health
Jason Maddockmaddock@tamu.eduEnvironmental & Occupational Health
Virender Sharmavsharma@tamu.eduEnvironmental & Occupational Health
Preeti Zanwarpzanwar@tamu.eduEpidemiology & Biostatistics
Bita Kashbakash@tamu.eduHealth Policy & Management
James Burdinejnburdine@tamu.eduHealth Promotion & Community Health Sciences
Carly McCordcmccord@tamhsc.eduHealth Promotion & Community Health Sciences

School of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences

Lori Tellerlteller@cvm.tamu.eduSmall Animal Clinical Sciences
Ivan Rusynirusyn@cvm.tamu.eduVeterinary Integrative Biosciences

TAMU Galveston

Joan Mileskimileskij@tamug.eduMaritime Business Administration

University Fellows

Faculty members from external universities who contribute to the center can become university fellows.

Professional Fellows

Professional fellows are luminaries invited to serve as fellows, guest lecturers, and consultants for students. There are 18 Professional Fellows associated with the Center.  They are from diverse backgrounds of experience, practice, and industry with insights that assist the center in choosing projects and initiatives that create the best background for our students studying to earn the Certificate in Health Systems & Design.

Meet our Professional Fellows

  • Harold Adams, Chairman Emeritus, RTKL
  • Diana Anderson,  Steffian Bradley
  • Craig Beale, HKS, Inc-Dallas, TX
  • Andrew Dannenberg, University of Washington-Seattle
  • Nancy Dickey, TAMU-Health Science Center
  • William Eide, Architect Consultant
  • Debra Harris, RAD Consultants
  • Warren Kerr, Haymes Sharley Health Group
  • Rex Miller, MindSHIFT-Texas
  • John Pangrazio, NBBJ-Seattle, WA
  • Ron Skaggs, HKS, Inc-Dallas, TX
  • Joe Sprague, HKS, Inc-Dallas, TX
  • Ekanem U. Smart, Community Public Health, Nigeria
  • Tammy Thompson, Institute for Patient-Centered Design
  • Philip Tobey, SmithGroup
  • Emmanuel Umoh, Project Manager, Fannie Mae
  • Michael Wood, Impact Consulting
  • Wynn Huey-Wen Yien, Yonglin Healthcare-Taiwan