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School of Architecture welcomes 556 new students for fall

The Texas A&M School of Architecture is welcoming 350 new freshman and 206 incoming
transfer students this fall, a respective 43 and 31 percent increase from last year’s cohort of 244
freshman and 157 transfers.

The new freshman will join the departments of architecture (145), construction science (137),
landscape architecture (44), and urban planning (24). They have an average class rank of 87.5
percent with eight being ranked first in their class and 35 being ranked in the top five of their

“We are very proud to see the increase in incoming students to the School of Architecture,”
said Shelley Holliday, dean of students. “The future is bright!”

Of the freshman Aggies, 80 are first generation college students, 11 are from out of state and
one is international.

The school also welcomes 42 National Hispanic Scholars, three students who earned National
African American Recognition, and two students who earned National Indigenous Scholar

Transfer students will join the departments of architecture (42), construction science (136),
landscape architecture (16) and urban planning (16).

Of these, 46 transfers are first generation college students and four are veterans.

The School of Architecture is one of 17 academic colleges and schools at Texas A&M, which
offers more than 133 undergraduate degrees and 268 graduate and professional degrees. Learn
more about the school and its degree programs at

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