Wei Yan

Mattia Flabiano III AIA/Page Southerland Page Endowed Professor
Curriculum Vitae

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  • Department of Architecture
  • CRS Center

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Dr. Wei Yan, Mattia Flabiano III AIA/Page Southerland Page Endowed Professor of Architecture at Texas A&M University, Associate Director of the CRS Center and Texas A&M Institute for Technology-Infused Learning (TITIL), with expertise in Computational Methods in Design, Augmented Reality, AI, Building Information Modeling, Parametric Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization. As a PI, he has led research projects funded by the NSF, the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Autodesk, Inc., etc. He received the Best Paper Prize in Design Computing and Cognition ’06. He has served as a reviewer for NSF, Austrian Science Fund, the Research Grant Council, Hong Kong, etc. He was named a Presidential Impact Fellow in 2017 and was a recipient of the Student Government Association Open Educator Award in 2019, both at Texas A&M. Yan was educated at the University of California, Berkeley (Ph.D. in Architecture and M.S. in Computer Science), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, and Tianjin University. In 2012, he was a Guest Scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and a Visiting Professor at Stanford University. In 2021, he was named an Ajou Global Fellow by Ajou University.


Ph.D. Architecture

University of California-Berkeley

M.S. Computer Science

University of California-Berkeley

Postgrad. Cert. Computer-Aided Architectural Design

ETH Zurich

M.E. Building Science and Technology

Tianjin University

B.E. Architecture

Tianjin University

Scholarly Interests

Dr. Yan’s areas of academic interest include Computational Methods in Architecture, Augmented Reality, AI, Parametric Modeling, Building Information Modeling, and Building Science.